Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nathius Mujeu Kaatura: Web 2.0 social Media Learning

Nathius Mujeu Kaatura: Web 2.0 social Media Learning: Day 1; Passes by with lot of new learning platform in connection with Web 2.0 social media network and so far i can summarized by this image...

Web 2.0 social Media Learning

Day 1; Passes by with lot of new learning platform in connection with Web 2.0 social media network and so far i can summarized by this image....

What i have learn among many of the presentation was ..... what is Web 2.0 Social Media?
Principles of what i learn in Web 2.0 include:
  • Web 2.0 is about communication and facilitating community.
  • Web 2.0 is about remix.
  • Web 2.0 is smart.
  • Web 2.0 opens up the Long Tail.
  • Web 2.0 is built upon trust.
Day two here we are hoping many more will down-fill up our mind..... Lets go Mr. SM